TIPS Parent Assocation

The TIPS Parent Association was formed to support the school and build community, it is comprised of parents who have volunteered to organize and run family programs, enhance school programming, and support the teachers and administration. They also do mitzvah projects to help the school give back to the community. Everyone involved with TIPS, including our TIPS for Tots students, are invited to all PA events and programs.

Here are some of the events that the TIPS Parent Association has run in the past few years:

  • Parent Coffees in the Family Lounge, sometimes featuring Guest Speakers
  • Pajama Havdalah
  • Family Picnic
  • Back to School playdates in the summer for both each grade level and the whole school
  • Breakfast and Blocks event before school
  • 1st Day of School Parent Coffee
  • Snacks at the Axler home, either during Sukkot or Passover
  • Transportation Day

The PA has also held fundraisers for TIPS such as:

  • Local restaurant nights — Ledo’s Pizza, Grotto Pizza, Chipotle
  • Family photo sessions
  • Food collections for Elizabeth House and Grassroots. Students have prepared meals in school or packaged up lunches for deliveries to these organizations.
  • Pajama collections for the pediatric division at the local hospital
  • Artwork fundraiser
  • Coupon book fundraiser

The TIPS PA also supports the teachers and the administration. They coordinate the Room Parents for teacher gifts, both during the holidays and at the end of the year. They organize meals or donations for families experiencing a loss or welcoming a new family member and run a fantastic Teacher Appreciation Week. They plan out a full week of ways to surprise and delight the teachers. They provide breakfast one morning during Teacher Appreciation Week. Finally, they set up and plan an End-of-the-Year Luncheon for the entire TIPS staff to be enjoyed on the last day of school.

Join the 2023–2024 TIPS PA Facebook Group to stay connected!